Tuesday 25 August 2009

Ashes heroes celebrate calmly as a unit

Straussy, Cooky, Ravi, Belly, Trotty, Colly, KP, Matty, Freddy, Broady, Swanny, Monty, Oniony, Jimmy and Harmy - heroes all.

The Sun says they are all heroes and that's right. But because 2005's victory celbrations were over the top, 2009's will be sadly muted.

He was hobbling about by the end, but that one priceless run-out at the Oval by Freddie turned the game and the series. Even when relatively inactive, he's been described as standing still "massively" on Test Match Special. What a hero. Real ale pumps through his solid oak heart. Let's hope the op will sort the knee out.

Broady - from cricketer to gay icon in one magical spell of fast swing bowling - who saw that coming? He's had to assure the press that he won't be stripping off like David Beckham. Stephen Fry, Lily Allen, Harry Potter and Draco, even Russell Crowe - all on TMS. Steady on. Fry went all Death in Venice over Broady on Twitter. Lily fancies Oniony and Broady. They must be heroes, but let's not get too carried away, right? But I want to get carried away.

Struassy. You beauty, you Boys Own hero of the first water! No one famous fancies you yet but you are the man. You're so steady. Is it your steady stewardship that keeps the unit from really letting go for proper booze-up? Are you the calming influence?

The whole team contributed to a famous victory over a good team, however you look at it, but we should not get carried away. Shame.

They've done the open-top bus thing and the honours were inappropriate last time. Freddie should have been made the Prince of Wales and KP should have got the Duchy of Cornwall. And Viscount Vaughny at the very least.

But couldn't we have had a bit of public celebrating? If you think that England're always going to beat the Australian Test team at home, then you're getting carried away.

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